Their Handle Located In The Middle Of The Door
This gimmick is added to make the safe more attractive (customers also prefer a beautiful 5 spoke handle in the center of the door), however, it's the most impractical place to put the handle. It doesn't allow shaft support so it has a high chance of the clutch getting loose and wobbling. Clutches and shear pins are needed for this linkage design. They are made to break when the safe is being attacked, but this makes it more susceptible of being broken into by simply beating the handle up and down. Or, a little girl playing around, jerking on the handle while it's locked can get you locked out and needing a locksmith. Another problem is cluttering of the safe door with a lot of moving parts mainly because it needs to reach the handle. More moving parts = a higher chance more things will break. The best linkage designs will have a handle more towards the left of the safe, while facing it.